Question: Can a therapist date a therapist?

The American Psychological Association Code of Ethics, Section 10.05, states that psychologists do not engage in sexual intimacies with current therapy clients/patients. In most all states, laws prohibiting sex with clients are limited to current or recent clients.

Can you date your therapist after therapy?

(a) Psychologists do not engage in sexual intimacies with former clients/patients for at least two years after cessation or termination of therapy.

Can a therapist and client have a relationship?

The relationship between a client and their therapist is certainly a unique one. A therapist will be party to their clients emotional and thought releases. This is the first step towards being aware of the root causes of emotions and thoughts, and the client will be able to explore and progress to a better life.

Can therapists hug their patients?

If a therapist were to hug the patient on such an occasion, the risk is certainly less than it would be during a regular hugging “regimen.” Likewise, adverse inferences that others may draw should certainly be minimal. Touching in and of itself is not illegal.

Can therapists tell police?

With perhaps one exception (Under the Terrorism Act 2000 there is a requirement for certain professionals (including therapists) to disclose certain concerns relating to terrorist property), no therapist is required by law to breach confidence and inform the police that their client has committed, or is intending to

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