Question: Can you fall in love if youre not over your ex?

Can you love someone and still not be over your ex?

Its totally possible to be in love with your current boo and still love your ex. Healing from heartbreak takes a lot of time, and holding space for people in your past doesnt mean you cant move forward. The heart can love a lot of people in a lot of different ways, but being open and honest is always the way to go.

Is it possible to never get over an ex?

So yes, its entirely possible to never get over someone if you dont begin to take time out to have therapy and understand what youre doing and how youre feeling, Mutanda says. Spending time alone and dating yourself is so important after a relationship. You need time to be you again, she says.

Is it normal to miss an ex after 2 years?

because you might not actually miss your ex. Some people think that if you miss your ex, youre not over them. Dont listen, Baratz tells Elite Daily. Its OK to miss someone. Not only is it OK, but its extremely common, Baratz says.

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