Question: How do you secretly flirt with a coworker?

Make eye contact. Eye contact is one of the primary tactics of flirtation. Brief glances can show your attraction and interest in another person. You can try looking across the room during a meeting or glancing across the table at lunch. Meet their eyes briefly before glancing down and away.

How do you flirt at work without being obvious?

When you make eye contact, hold it for 1-3 seconds so he feels noticed. Then, smile and look away. This is an easy way to flirt with your workplace crush without it being obvious. Dont stare into his eyes for longer than a few seconds.

How do you subtly flirt with a female coworker?

Keep the physical gestures to a minimum.Keep things professional, even when flirting. You can be flirtatious without touching her at all. Keep things light and more on the prude side, just to be safe. Dont make any sexual comments, or say anything that she might be offended by.

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