Question: Why are people with learning disabilities so difficult to meet?

What are the challenges of learning disabilities?

slowness in completing work. poor organizational skills. easily confused by instructions. difficulty with abstract reasoning and/or problem solving.

Why does everyone have learning difficulties?

This can be caused by things such as: the mother becoming ill in pregnancy. problems during the birth that stop enough oxygen getting to the brain. the unborn baby inheriting certain genes from its parents that make having a learning disability more likely – known as inherited learning disability.

How do people with learning disabilities think?

More than half said they believe LD is the result of laziness. Kids with LD arent lazy. Their brains process information in different and less-effective ways. Their brains have trouble focusing and making sense of language, written words, and numbers.

How do you deal with an absent minded child?

Finally, be kind - to yourself and to them .. Having home and never spots, a time to return items to home spots, and reminders/prompts to use home spots does help forgetful, absent minded children/teens enormously. Its far more effective than just nagging them to concentrate or get organised!

Are you born with learning disability?

Learning disabilities are caused by something affecting the development of the brain. This may occur before birth (prenatally), during birth, or in early childhood. Learning disabilities can be caused by any one of a variety of factors, or by a combination. Sometimes the specific cause is not known.

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