Question: Who married Tenten?

Theory 1: Tenten is married to Rock Lee.

Who married Tenten Naruto?

7 Neji & Tenten With the conclusion of Naruto, most of the ninja from the Konoha 11 ended up married with children. Only a select few like Tenten never found a true love interest, while only one of the eleven, Neji, ended up dying as a result of the Fourth Shinobi War.

Is wasabi Kibas kid?

There he lived a normal life, found a wife and after the war became father. His daughter he then named Wasabi Uchiha! As Wasabi was old enough, he send her to Konoha to a random family to cover up he was still alive. Together with Sarada, Sasuke and her father Shisui, she will take over the world and be very powerful.

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