Question: Where can I find Dating site on Facebook?

Facebook Dating is available through the Facebook app on Android and iOS. To access your Dating information, please go to the Facebook app on your mobile device, then go to Access Your Information in your Facebook Settings. If youve added Instagram posts or stories to Dating, learn how to access your Instagram data.

Where is the Dating site on Facebook?

Open the Facebook app and tap the hamburger menu in the top-right of your feed. Tap Dating. Follow the prompts to set up your dating profile. After you share your location and choose a photo, your dating profile will be generated using information from your Facebook account.

Who searched me on Facebook?

To access the list of who has viewed your profile, open the main drop-down menu (the 3 lines) and scroll all the way down to “Privacy Shortcuts.” There, just below the new “Privacy Checkup” feature, you will find the new “Who viewed my profile?” option.

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