Question: Does Rogers offer a student plan?

Students, get reliable internet starting at just $64.99/mo! After a credit of $20/month for 12 months! Currently $84.99/month. Prices subject to rate increase. Plus, start your school year off right with other cant-miss offers.

Does Rogers have a student plan?

Rogers has posted student pricing for its Ignite Internet and Wireless offerings on their website. Rogers Ignite 30: $45/month, 30 Mbps down, 5 Mbps upload; 300GB data. Rogers Ignite 60: $55/month, 60 Mbps down, 5 Mbps upload; 300GB data. Rogers Ignite 100u: $65/month: 100 Mbps down, 10 Mbps upload; unlimited data.

Does Rogers offer student discounts?

Please note that there are currently no student discounts available. Eligible subscribers a corporate email address can request a passcode to receive the preferred pricing corporate discount.

Does Rogers have a seniors discount?

They no longer offer discounts for seniors or loyalty (longtime 20+ year Rogers customers) nor do they offer bundle discounts.

Is Rogers internet faster than Bell?

Rogers disagrees, and it has a competing speed test to back up its claims. On Monday, Ooklas Speedtest named Rogers the fastest internet provider in Canada based on 17 million tests. Bell beat Rogers in the upload category, but Rogers easily won based on median download speeds.

Is Rogers Internet faster than Bell?

Rogers disagrees, and it has a competing speed test to back up its claims. On Monday, Ooklas Speedtest named Rogers the fastest internet provider in Canada based on 17 million tests. Bell beat Rogers in the upload category, but Rogers easily won based on median download speeds.

Why is Rogers Internet so expensive?

The Big 5 Canadian Internet Service Providers (ISPs) (Bell, Rogers, Telus, Shaw and Quebecor (Videotron)) receive 73.3% of the markets revenues and charge higher prices due to a lack of competition.

Why are Rogers plans so expensive?

Why are plans actually so expensive? Rogers, Bell and Telus have little incentive to lower their prices and undercut each other. They charge as much as they do simply because they can due to a lack of competition.

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