Question: Is Mylol safe?

This risky social platform isnt a safe place for teens. Though the app is M-rated and says users must be over 17, users younger than that can create profiles and post their underage status. Global chat is peppered with suggestive talk and discussion of drugs, drinking, and even abuse.

Is Yubo a safe site?

Live streaming – Makers of Yubo have implemented some safety features to make it safer for children to live stream on the app but it still poses a risk in light of the increase of online sex offenders using this tool to groom children and the potential to that children may share too much personal information in the

Was Hot or Not removed?

The domain is currently owned by Hot Or Not Limited, and was previously owned by Avid Life Media .Hot or Not.OwnerHot Or Not LimitedCreated byJames Hong and Jim YoungURLhotornot.comLaunchedOctober 2000

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