Question: Where should I place my propane grill?

It is recommended that you keep your propane grill tank outside near your grill. Always keep your grill and propane cylinders outside in a well-ventilated area. Never bring them indoors or in an enclosed space such as your garage.

Where should I put my propane grill?

Propane Grilling Dos Always use the grill outdoors in a well-ventilated area. Always follow all the manufacturers instructions and keep written materials and manuals in a safe, accessible place. Make sure the grill burner controls are turned off and keep the cylinder valve fully closed when not in use.

How far away from house should propane grill be?

10 feet Not Giving the Grill Enough Space Your grill—whether its charcoal or gas—should be at least 10 feet away from deck railings and any structures, like your home, garage or sheds.

Is it safe to have a propane grill on a deck?

Propane-fueled grills can be dangerous on decks when the lines arent properly threaded. Residents must use caution when using propane-fueled grills on any surface, but concrete surfaces away from structures and trees are safer than wooden deck surfaces are.

Is it OK to put a grill on a deck?

Grilling Safety Tips Grills must be 10-feet from the side of a building unless the manufacturers instructions say it can be closer. Make sure grills are not underneath overhanging branches. Grills cannot be used on a porch, balcony or deck with a roof, overhang or wall (other than the exterior of the building).

Is it safe to grill next to House?

While each grill manufacturer has their own guidelines, the general consensus is that your grill should be an absolute minimum of 3 feet away from any house walls. Additionally, your grill should also be placed at least 10 feet away from any objects that are easily flammable or could catch fire from an ignition.

Can you keep a gas grill on a deck?

Never enclose a grill on the deck. A cover over a gas grill is fine, but make sure the walls are open enough to allow the air to move the smoke off the deck. If you want to close in the deck, it will need proper ventilation. Either a vent or open sides to move the air and smoke.

Can I grill on my porch?

Grill Placement Never place a charcoal grill in an enclosed area, such as a screened porch or balcony. Also, be careful when using a charcoal grill on a wood deck; embers from the grill can scar the wood and might even cause a fire.

Can you grill under a deck?

Never place a charcoal grill in an enclosed area, such as a screened porch or balcony. Also, be careful when using a charcoal grill on a wood deck; embers from the grill can scar the wood and might even cause a fire. When placed under a grill, it protects the flooring from embers, grease, and spills.

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